The Assembly of African Community Leaders (AACL) at QACC is a vital platform that unites leaders from diverse African communities across Queensland.

Assembly of African Community Leaders (AACL)

The Assembly of African Community Leaders, initiated by the QACC, is a vital platform fostering unity, collaboration, and empowerment among African communities in Queensland. This assembly brings together leaders and representatives from diverse African backgrounds to discuss pressing issues, share insights, and collaborate on impactful initiatives.

AACL represents many African nations, like Sierra Leone, Congo, and Burundi. It also includes Liberia, Togo, Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Eritrea, Kenya, Ghana, Cameroon, Sudan, South Sudan and More. The organization showcases our cultural diversity and unity.

Open Invitation

Join Hands, Build Futures

All African community leaders and representatives are warmly invited to join AACL. When you secure your place, you make sure that your community’s voice is heard and its interests are represented. Your participation is important for our goal of working together to strengthen and unite African communities in Queensland.

Get Involved

Get Involved

Interested in our events or joining us at QACC? Don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us today to become a part of this empowering journey. We eagerly await your contribution and are excited about the potential collaborations that lie ahead. Together, we can achieve more and build a cohesive, vibrant African community in Australia.